There are two types of squirrels residing in the UK; Red squirrel's are fully protected and cannot be harmed, Grey squirrel's which you will see day to day, are an invasive species and can be controlled. There are no Red squirrels around the Taunton, Bridgwater or indeed the Somerset area. The Grey squirrel is the largest rodent that residents will encounter and can be extremely destructive when living in your loft space, just like rats, squirrels teeth are open rooted and will require constant chewing. Weighing up to 700g and with a length of around 45cm these large rodents can really make a mess of your personal possessions stored away, not to mention chewing through electrical cables.
At KO Control we are fully equipped to remove squirrels from your property, more importantly we can proof ingress points and prevent further intrusion.
The above photo shows damage caused by squirrels, its easily seen once the roof tiles had been lifted. they boast a bite force of 2000 psi and is easily capable of chewing its way in most properties.