Proofing What is proofing? To put it simply, proofing is the necessary work required to stop pests gaining further access to your property. Some pest control companies brush over the proofing aspect and concentrate on the removal of the pests. We at KO Pest Control understand that proofing is the most important process of the treatment, after all what is the point of exterminating your rat infestation if they will be back a few months later? Unfortunately within the pest control industry, all to often the term proofing will mean placing some expanding foam in a hole and calling it job well done. This is NOT sufficient and we as a company will always give proofing the attention that it requires! We also carry out proofing ensuring your property still looks great and ingress points are blocked, so you would not of known they were there in the first place.
HygieneObviously we all know the importance of hygiene, its essential that we keep high standards within our personal and professional settings. Most people and businesses have a firm grasp on keeping the place to good hygiene standards, that is until unwanted pests take up residence. Rodents, birds and insects all pose a significant threat to safety standards. With pest infestations on the rise resulting in ever increasing disease and transmission levels; your home, business and customers are under serious risk when an infestation is active. We've all heard about the plague (the black death), among other diseases that can inevitably cause huge impact to human populations when these animals are not controlled. Whilst many of these outbreaks are a thought from the past, the potential for numerous viruses and infections to be passed to humans are still a very real reality. Please check out the
Centre for disease control for more information.
Luckily for the residents of Taunton and Somerset, KO Pest Control are here to fight this battle for you. We offer intensive cleaning solutions to mop up the hazardous material left by pests. Additionally we have an arsenal of sprays, fogs and purifiers, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind and a cleaner tomorrow.
At KO Pest Control Somerset we work closely with local cleaning companies who can help residents to regain control of hygiene after an extermination has taken place. This is more prominent with some of our older or venerable customers.
Award cleaning service limited