There are many types of Moths that cause a variety of problems; the Clothes moth and the carpet moth are very common intruders in domestic household's. Its the larvae of these moths that cause the majority of the damage, they have an incredible appetite of organic fibres such as wool, fur and hair.
An obvious sign of moths you will likely be aware of is your carpet, clothes and rugs showing damage, you may also see the larvae as well as adult moths in your home. Some other notable moths are what's called an spi (stored product insect) such as the Indian meal moth and the mill moth, who's larvae feed on nuts, grain, flour and dried fruit.
Here at KO Pest Control our Taunton technicians have many sprays and gases to deal with moths fast and efficiently, we also are able to use pheromone blockers that halt mating in areas where sprays and gases cant be used.
The image above shows carpet moth larvae in a clients home, these little maggot like larvae are feeding on the keratin within the carpet. the moths will spend the majority of their lives in this stage and die within a few days once they become adults. It's also interesting to note that unlike most species of moth, the adults prefer to hop and crawl around rather than fly.
So here at KO Pest Control Somerset, we have access and use a multitude of insect fighting products. Many insects require specific and tailored treatments/chemical compounds, (bed bugs, cockroaches and fleas) to name a few. insecticides and growth regulators ( are used in conjunction to tackle all stages of life cycles.