Mice ingress is extremely common, especially in Taunton and surrounding areas, farm and agricultural land will play a big part of high levels. Although most customers will breath a sigh of relief when finding out its "just mice" and not rats , mice are responsible for many sleepless nights and anxiety.
Now we are going to provide you with the knowledge to effectively identify mice droppings within your own home. the first thing to note with Mice droppings is there will be a lot of them, each mouse can have up to 80 droppings per day. Many customers will see a vast amount of droppings and assume they have a huge infestation when in reality this could be attributed to one mouse been in the property for a few days.
Droppings will also be small (15mm long and 3-4 mm thick) and can be easy to miss if you're not looking for them. Unlike rat droppings which will be grouped together, mice droppings will be far more sporadic and random which is contributed to mice just going whenever the feeling takes them. Lastly mice droppings will be soft within the first few days but will soon harden up and become very hard, this is important to know when distinguishing mice droppings from bat droppings ( Mice droppings will not crumble).